jueves, 29 de junio de 2023

The TV programme that I watched as a child was Diego y Glot. 

A chilean TV programme, that I remember to see more on DVD than on TV truly. Maybe i was about 5-6 years old. 

The plot is about Diego, his friend, and dog, Glot; and happend in Chile, more specifically in Santiago, but also have chapter in Chiloé for example.  

Currently, in the chapters you can see a lot of recognized places of Santiago, like the Casa central de la universidad de Chile. 

The protagonists, was students of the school. so the plot is about adventures that they have being good friends, and sometimes, with others and new characters too. The center of the plot is about the family of Diego Plá too. 

I enjoy see the programme until today, also yesterday we was seeing Diego y Glot with my sisters; is funny and "simple",  and also reminds me when I was a child. 

I don´t remember exactly when I watch it, but in the TV, was broadcast for a long time, also I usually use to see it on DVD as a child, with others series and movies, like La sirenita or Los pulentos, another chilean serie. 

jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

 The place I´m going to write about is the San Cristobal hill. 

I don't think it's really special, but it's a place I like to go.

The San Cristobal hill is in Providencia, and I don´t remember the last time I was there, but the reason why I like to go is because you have a lot of things to do and because I've gone with friends, family, even my dog, so I have memories with all of them. 

Of the things I like to do, in addition to walking and touring, can be buying maqui ice cream, going to Plaza Gabriela Mistral and seeing Santiago from above.

I think this cold season is much better to go, in addition, until almost the beginning of June, there are quite a few almonds in the outermost parts of the hill to the south.

martes, 20 de junio de 2023

 Courses section: General English >Session 1: Do you need a hyphen?

I saw the video, that is a 6 minutes podcast, and have transcription, wich is ver useful to follow the audio sometimes. I consider that the duration of the podcast is accurate. 

I think the content was simple but interesting, and I liked that, in the podcast at the final, the speakers do questions and they answered, so I can see if I got the idea. 

Also have a session vocabulary, with the compound adjetives with hyphens, this is so good to complement. 

Grammar section: 6 Minute Grammar-Easy grammar >Activity 5. 

I did since the second activity, read a text of the grammar rules of "must an have to".

I thought it was good to review, and in the next activity I evaluate myself.

The others contents of the section are interesting to check too, are varied and I would like to review them better after. 

Pronunciation section: Medium pronunciatio >5 days to improve your pronunciation. 

This section have avaible certificates of completion, I think is a good motivation. 

I like that you need to do one section per day, the content tracking is better for learning or reviewing. 

In addition to the 3-minute video, there are a couple of pronunciation activities, and in the following video are the answers. I think it's pretty complete. 

jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

 Hello!, today I´, going to write about a bestie.

Her name is Constanza, and I knew her since 9 years ago, now I realice this is a lot of time, because my first memory with her is in the school, the first day in 6* grade, so she is my first and oldest friend for the school. 

She is one year younger than me, and we return together to house all the days, walking after the school, because we live near from each other. In this time, I think that was our favorite thing to do, because we also can go to other ways, or buy something to eat while. Basically we was all the day together, because the last years in the school, we sit together too. 

In common, maybe we don´t have a lot, now I think, and I can´t found anything in common. We are just good friends. 

Now, we go out, with other friend too, to drink coffe, and have a large and nice day talking and walking, insteant we don´t have so much time to be together so this was a special and grateful moment. One of our favorites topics to talk about is what we would do in the future, I really don´t know how we ended up talking about it all the time. 

The last time we met, was a long ago, but the last time we see each other was like 1 week ago; she is working near of her house, selling in like a minimarket, so the mondays, how I don´t have class, and if I need to buy something, I go and pay in her cash, also when the time is a little bit, is great to see her and ask how is she.   

jueves, 1 de junio de 2023

 I´m going to write about a family meal I remember. 

There was on a 18 of September, in my house. For the year 2017, when the weather of the season was so warm and comfy yet. Or maybe it was a pair of year before. 

In my house we have a big space in the garden, so, we can be here all the day, and there was my family too. My uncles, grandmother, aunt,  cousin, etc.

We don't celebrate de 18 of september like a "patriotic day" but we have a great time eating chilean food, and doing chilean games, and how this is just one day in the year, it was so funny and comfy. 

I think I remember this time instant other 18 of September, because the last 2 years the weather was so cold for the day, and this is a little bit bored.

My sister and my cousin are ones of the funniest persons that I know so, in some pictures of the day they are doing funny faces or doing rare things. One of the reasons that I like these pictures too is because, how this happened a long time ago, so they look so littles. 

In my family, my grandmother do the empanadas and my aunt the sopaipillas, but we eat a lot of more chilean foods. 

The games we use to play was the salto en saco, tirar la cuerda, la rayuela, etc.

My aunt is a history teacher, so, all of the historic celebration or commemoration, we also have a history class, and this is so interesting too. 

Is memorable because I just remember having a great time in this moment, and the day was so pretty. And how I said, it happened just 1 day at the year. But  I don't have like a specifically memory of this day, I just remember having a soo great time. 

I´m waiting for the 18 of September of this year, to see what we gonna do or what would to be a new memory of the family meal.