jueves, 13 de abril de 2023


The photograph that I´m going to write about show at my cat, Manchas, and is picture that I take the last tuesday. The reason why I like this photograph is because this same day I buy batteries to the camera, that I use to take the photo, and was a camera that i usually use when I was like 10 years old, so was without use all this time, it still works very well so I can see pictures of years ago too. 

The photograph reminds me when I meet my cat, because in january of 2022 arrive at my house a pregnant cat, so noisy and sweet, she have the same pelage of Manchas and I took care of her for like 3 weeks and after she was adopted by a neighbors, but we don´t know, I just don´t see her again; and months after, in may, was a paper in a near house that say "se regala lindo gatito" so the 7 of may we decides to adopted him. I say that he look like his mom, but they have the same personality too, so sweet and noisy, and with the same meow. With the time we realice that in the house we adopted him was her mom and a sister, so the cat I adopted was basically a cat that i took care before he was born. I think this is the reason why i love him so much (but he looks a bit angry in the photo).

I´d like to show another photograph, that i took with other camera, when I was in the south with my dad in the last days of october of 2022. We go to visit family, near of Carahue, and it was the first long trip that i do driving, because I "recently" have my license. I really like to drive, and with the weather going to the south is soo much better. 

When was the turn of my dad to drive I rested and took photos of  landscapes that I  like; one of these are a field of yellow flowers. Yellow is my favorite color and the flowers in the field are from canola oil and are so tall; I think that is a pretty view. The photo remind of me the great time that i have these days, because the flowers was frecuently in the ride. 

4 comentarios:

  1. he is very cute, I would like to have a cat too, but because of my dog I can't. :(

  2. I am a cat perso too. I currently have 2 cats, Goku & Aiko.

  3. What a crazy story with your cat, it really was a great coincidence or maybe they were meant to be together <3

  4. I like your photos. Your cat it's so cute and this flowers are beutiful.
