jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

 The place I´m going to write about is the San Cristobal hill. 

I don't think it's really special, but it's a place I like to go.

The San Cristobal hill is in Providencia, and I don´t remember the last time I was there, but the reason why I like to go is because you have a lot of things to do and because I've gone with friends, family, even my dog, so I have memories with all of them. 

Of the things I like to do, in addition to walking and touring, can be buying maqui ice cream, going to Plaza Gabriela Mistral and seeing Santiago from above.

I think this cold season is much better to go, in addition, until almost the beginning of June, there are quite a few almonds in the outermost parts of the hill to the south.

2 comentarios:

  1. I would like to go to those places, they say they are very nice.

  2. I recomend this park. Its a good place to do a picnic
