jueves, 6 de julio de 2023


About the blog: 

To write blogs, improve my english, because I did not have many oportunities to write in english, so the blog was a good way to develop ideas through writing, the same with read in english.   

The post I enjoy writing most was that one about a photograph, or maybe that one about travel to another country. The reason why I choose the first post is because I just buy some batteries for a camera, and taking photos a few days before, so was a specific momento to write about that; and show the picture. About the second picture that I use in this post, it give me so good memories of a special moment, and it also was important to remember and write about in english.

The least post that I enjoyed writing was of the family meal, no for the topic, it was because I felt bad, like I had a cold, then was difficut to write easily, at the end of the class I felt worse, so I went to the doctor and I had sinusitis, were a bad day. 

All the teacher's blogs was so intersting, and maybe my favorite is about "a song you like at the moment", the history of the chinese song is interesting too, I would not have dared to ask really, at least if I don´t know well the lenguage. 

What I like of use the blog was the topics of the posts, maybe in the college I don´t have many moments to write narurally about things of myself; and was good to write in a free format and to know a new web. I don´t think that I have something that I dislike of use the blog, it was really good. 

Use the blog was a good experience. 

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