jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023


Hello, today I´m going to talk about what I did the last weekend.

First, I started my weekend in a friend house, on the saturday sunrise; we haven´t seen each other for a long time, so we talk a lot, was also her birthday so this was a really great time. 

In the afternoon of the saturday I went to the birthday of the son of my parent´s friend, and I have a great time there too; our dads are more like brothers, so I know all the people that were there, someones that I haven´t see for a long time, and was a great and comfy moment talking once more

For the next day, the elections, I was wrong thinking that I could wake up early in the morning without alarm, so I went in the afternoon to vote with my sister, we were a "long" time in the school waiting for, and finally went back to house after leave things in the recycling. 

I don´t have class the mondays, so I considered like a day of the weekend too, and after a full week without class I start to do my homework, read and plan this week. I like this too because I have a full day to do what I have to do, so this is more calm. 

I enjoyed my weekend because I do different things compares to others weekends, and I was with people that I don´t seen for a time, so was very calm. 

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