jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

 Good morning!

I think that travel is not my favorite thing and not a goal in the future, but I also enjoy a lot knowing new places or link up it to geography, and that´s why, maybe I would like to visit countries like Canada, Australia, or Ecuador, for the different clime and conditions, and because they have different proportions compared to Chile. 

My favorite destination could be Australia, visit the islands, and the national parks, and obviously know the Indian Ocean and the different seas that surround Australia. And the Pacific Ocean from the other side. 

Another reason Id like to go to Australia is to know the language or a little bit more than the minimum I think I would need 😅

I would like to travel alone, but it would be nice if someone accompanied me or meet someone who knows Australia. 

If I go, I would like to stay as long as necessary to see everything I would like to see there, basically travel all Australia. Will it be a month?

Definitely Tasmania is one of the places I would like to visit, see the flora and fauna, but I think I still need to know more about the place too. And the Rottnest Island for the quokkas. 

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023


Hello, today I´m going to talk about what I did the last weekend.

First, I started my weekend in a friend house, on the saturday sunrise; we haven´t seen each other for a long time, so we talk a lot, was also her birthday so this was a really great time. 

In the afternoon of the saturday I went to the birthday of the son of my parent´s friend, and I have a great time there too; our dads are more like brothers, so I know all the people that were there, someones that I haven´t see for a long time, and was a great and comfy moment talking once more

For the next day, the elections, I was wrong thinking that I could wake up early in the morning without alarm, so I went in the afternoon to vote with my sister, we were a "long" time in the school waiting for, and finally went back to house after leave things in the recycling. 

I don´t have class the mondays, so I considered like a day of the weekend too, and after a full week without class I start to do my homework, read and plan this week. I like this too because I have a full day to do what I have to do, so this is more calm. 

I enjoyed my weekend because I do different things compares to others weekends, and I was with people that I don´t seen for a time, so was very calm.